The Bidborough Gardening Association Summer Show was held on the 24 June in the Village Hall. Exhibits were slightly lower than for the Spring Show, not helped by the very hot temperatures earlier in the week, followed by some heavy rain and strong winds that caused havoc with the roses in our members gardens. Despite these challenges the hall was very colourful as can be seen in the photos in the Gallery section below.  We were delighted by the children’s entries from the Village School, Nursery School, Brownies and Rainbows. There was a wonderful display of monsters!

Geraldine Vivian presented the prizes to some very deserving winners.

The full results are shown below:

Trophies and Special Prizes

The Rose Challenge Trophy, 5 large flowered rose blooms (Hybrid Tea) – not awarded; William H. Beale Trophy, 1 Large flowered rose bloom (Hybrid Tea) – Colin Barber; George Larkin Challenge Bowl, 3 cluster flowered rose stems (Floribunda) – Colin Barber; Royal National Rose Society Bronze Medal, best large flowered (Hybrid Tea) rose – Colin Barber; Dorothy Dixon Cup, mixed herbaceous perennials – Deenah Wheeler; Sweet Pea Cup, best exhibit of sweet peas – Colin Barber; National Sweet Pea Society Bronze Medal, best vase of sweet peas – Colin Barber; Stanley Farren Trophy, best vase of garden flowers – Judy Liddall; Gardeners Royal Benevolent Society Diploma, best exhibit of fruit and vegetables – Laurie Manser; Jean Nightingale Trophy, best homecraft exhibit – Sarah Smith; Doris Nash Centenary Trophy, best flower arranging exhibit – Diana Barber; Gardeners Royal Benevolent Society Certificate, best flower arranging exhibit – Diana Barber; W.H. Kent Memorial Junior Trophy, best junior artistic exhibit – Anna Pierson; Gardeners Royal Benevolent Society Junior Award, best junior horticultural exhibit – Anna Pierson – £5 Gift Token, highest total points by junior exhibitor – Anna Pierson.

 Flower Classes

5 large flowered rose blooms – No entries; 3 large flowered rose blooms – 1 Colin Barber; 1 large flowered rose bloom – 1 Colin Barber, 2 Lillian Taylor; 3 cluster flowered rose stems – 1 Colin Barber, 2 Deenah Wheeler, 3 John Perry; An exhibit of roses consisting of three stages of growth – Highly Commended Colin Barber; 3 stems of miniature roses – No entries; 3 sprays of rambler or climbing roses – 1 Colin Barber, 2 Anne Hinds, 3 Deenah Wheeler; 3 stems of shrub, old-fashioned or any other rose – 1 Colin Barber, 2 Judy Liddall, Highly Commended Anne Hinds; 5 stems of herbaceous perennials of one variety – 1 Tony Fitzpatrick, 2 John Johnson; Herbaceous perennials mixed – 1 Deenah Wheeler, 2 John Johnson, 3 Val Fitzpatrick, Highly Commended Anne Hinds; A vase of annuals – 1 Val Fitzpatrick, 2 Sarah Smith; 5 stems of alstromerias – 1 John Johnson, 2 Diana Barber, 3 Kate Robbins, Highly Commended John Perry; A vase of sprays of flowering or berried shrubs – 1 Deenah Wheeler, 2 Val Fitzpatrick; 3 stems of ‘Julie Ann’ sweet peas – 1 John Johnson, 2 Judy Liddall; 10 stems one variety of sweet peas – 1 Colin Barber, 2 Alan Ford, 3 Judy Liddall; 10 stems mixed sweet peas – 1 Colin Barber, 2 Laurie Manser, 3 Judy Liddall; 3 vases of 5 stems of three varieties of sweet peas – 1 Colin Barber, 2 Laurie Manser; A vase of mixed kinds of sweet peas – 1 Deenah Wheeler, 3 Kate Robbins; 5 blooms with stems of pansies or violas – 1 Laurie Manser, 2 Maureen Hickling, 3 Diana Barber; 5 blooms of pansies floating on water – 1 Laurie Manser, 2 Diana Barber, 3 John Johnson; 1 pot plant (other than geranium or pelargonium) – 2 Maureen Hickling; 1 pot cacti or succulent – 2 John Johnson; A pot-grown geranium or pelargonium – 1 John Johnson, 2 John Perry; A vase of wild flowers or grasses – 1 Maureen Hickling, 2 John Perry, Highly Commended Diana Barber; 1 stem lily or one stem pot-grown lily – 1 John Johnson; 10 sprigs of lavender – 1 Judy Liddall, 2 Tony Fitzpatrick, 3 John Perry; 1 delphinium spike – 1 John Johnson, 2 Judy Liddall, Highly Commended Tony Fitzpatrick; 3 stems pinks and/or border carnations – 1 John Johnson, 2 Diana Barber; A vase of garden flowers, mixed kinds excluding roses and sweet peas – 1 Judy Liddall, 2 Diana Barber, 3 Val Fitzpatrick, Highly Commended John Johnson; 1 vase of alpines, rockery or marginal flowers, mixed kinds – 2 John Johnson; Any other exhibit not covered by any of the classes above – 1 Colin Barber.

 Fruit and Vegetable Classes

10 bunches of currants – No entries; 10 gooseberries – 1 Laurie Manser, 2 Christine Carwardine, 3 Andrew Dunn; 10 strawberries – 1 Bill Liddall, 2 Sarah Smith; 10 any other soft fruit – 1 Tony Fitzpatrick, 3 Andrew Dunn; 3 sticks rhubarb – 1 Bill Liddall, 2 Tony Fitzpatrick, 3 Laurie Manser; 1 lettuce – 1 Alan Ford; An exhibit of vegetables in a trug and a vase of garden flowers – No entries; 1 cabbage – No entries; 9 pods peas – 1 Alan Ford, 2 Christine Carwardine, 3 Colin Barber; 5 pods broad beans – 1 Alan Ford, 2 Colin Barber, 3 Denis O’Sullivan; 5 stems assorted herbs – 1 Judy Liddall, 2 Tony Fitzpatrick; 5 new potatoes – 1 Colin Barber, 2 Andrew Dunn, 3 David Wheeler; Any other vegetable – 1 Colin Barber, 2 Andrew Dunn, 3 Alan Ford, Highly Commended David Wheeler..

 Homecraft Classes

A round shortbread – 1 Diana Barber, 2 Sarah Smith, 3 Deenah Wheeler; 5 chocolate brownies: 1 Sarah Smith, 2 Victoria McFarlin; A Victoria sandwich – 1 Deenah Wheeler and Diana Barber, 2 Sarah Smith; A fruit tea bread – 1 Bill Liddall, 2 Sarah Smith, 3 Jill Buckland; 1 Loaf of bread (£10 prize) – 1 Sarah Smith, 2 Andrew Dunn, 3 Bill Liddall; 1 Cornish pastie – 1 Deenah Wheeler; A lemon meringue pie – 1 Sarah Smith, 2 Diana Barber, 3 Deenah Wheeler; A colour photograph of ‘A Day at the Sea’ – 1 Diana Barber, 2 Tony Fitzpatrick.

 Flower Arranging Classes

‘Glass and Grass’ an arrangement in glass – No entries; ‘4 Ever’ an exhibit featuring four blooms – 1 Jill Buckland, 2 Ann Manser; “Beside the Seaside” an exhibit of flowers and foliage – 1 Diana Barber, 2 Geraldine Vivian; ‘Rose Garden’ A table arrangement – 1 Diana Barber, 2 Anne Hinds.

 Junior Exhibitors Classes

Design a garden – 1 Anna Pierson; A decorated flower pot – 1 Anna Pierson, 2 Molly Manser, 3 Jenny Pierson; “Muggins” A selection of weeds in a mug – 1 Anna Pierson, 2 Jenny Pierson; ‘At the seaside’ in a shoebox lid – 1 Anna Pierson; 5 chocolate cornflake cakes – 1 Anna Pierson, 2 Jenny Pierson; “Monster” a collage made from recycled materials – 1 Anna Pierson, 2 Molly Manser, 3 Jenny Pierson; A summer posy – 1 Anna Pierson, 2 Jenny Pierson; Make something in the shape of a flower or leaf – 1 Anna Pierson, 2 Jenny Pierson, 3 Maddie Maude and Clemmie Maude; A colour photograph of a ‘Small creature’ – 1 Anna Pierson; Bidborough Nursery Class – 1 Betsy, 2 Eva, 3 Aaron; Bidborough Brownies Class – 1 Isla Smith, 2 Evie Green, 3 Emily Martin, Highly Commended Anna Hunt and Polly Duckworth; Bidborough Rainbow Class – 1 Annabelle, 2 Sadie, 3 Sophie Howes; Bidborough School Reception Class – “Monster” made from recycled materials – 1 Bailey, 2 Anna Pierson, 3Max W, Highly Commended Jessica S and Thomas.