Programme of Events
Fri21Jan20227:30 pmBidborough Village Hall
This meeting has been cancelled. Jane Schotmer who was due to present 'How Artists and Garden Designers lead us up the Garden Path' has been rescheduled for next year.
Fri18Feb20227:30 pmBidborough Village Hall
Alison Marsden 'Gardens are good for you'
Competition - Vase of Winter flowers and foliage
Fri18Mar20227:30 pmBidborough Village Hall
Carole and Mike 'Cruising up the Thames'
Competition - Spring flowers in a jug
Fri20May20227:30 pmBidborough Village Hall
Jacqueline Aviolet 'At the Nursery'
Competition One stem/blossom from tree/shrub
Dare and venue TO BE CONFIRMED
Fri21Oct20227:30 pmBidborough Village Hall
Philip Oostenbrink 'Jungle and Foliage gardens'
Competition - A vase of Autumn colour
Fri18Nov20227:30 pmBidborough Village Hall
Nigel Gibson 'Grasses and Late Perennials'
Competition A jar of homemade preserves
Nominations for Officers and Committee Members and details of items for discussion to be given in writing to the Secretary by 1st November 2025
All meetings held in the Village Hall start at 2:30 or 7:30pm.